How to Boost Your Memory and Brain

The brain is responsible for controlling and coordinating all of the body’s functions; therefore, you need to pay adequate attention to your mental health. Without…

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after death what happens

Even though it may not always be pleasant to think about it, death is a mandatory step for all of us. And what happens next for our body is relatively fascinating (and quite disgusting). You probably know a few things like rigor mortis, but that’s only…

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Arctic, Antarctic: what are the differences?

Arctic, Antarctic. North pole, south pole. But beyond this geographic location, are there real differences between the two? Between the Arctic and the Antarctic, you can sometimes…

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Apocalypse: eight possible end of the world scenarios

In several billion years, the Earth will end inexorably absorbed by the Sun transformed into a red giant. By then, humanity will certainly be long…

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Elon Musk shocking decision expressed on Twitter

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, says the shocking thing. No one tweeted in an unexpected way. Musk, who has been selling Tesla…

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The death of our Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat in the crash of an Army helicopter

Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, who went to give a lecture at the Defense Staff College in Wellington, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, has…

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