How do I score good marks in exams?

Study hard before the exam

Don’t just know that you are anxious when you burn your eyebrows. If you drag all your study materials to the night before the test—even the morning of the test day, you basically won’t be able to read much, because the pressure is too great. When you know the exam schedule, or during the exam week, study hard.
Making a study schedule will make you do more with less. When you dedicate time to review, the chances of wasting time are usually much lower. If you really want to get good grades, you can also arrange different review plans for different subjects, such as reviewing 15 pages a day.

Find a learning partner. Find a friend, family member, or even a boyfriend or girl friend to test you or at least listen to you recite a certain piece of content, through communication with people or interactive learning can make people remember a lot. But don’t find a friend who distracts you while you are studying!
You can also find two or three classmates to be your study partners! Research shows that 3-4 people form a study group, and one of them takes the lead to help everyone review all the content step by step, which is much better than those students who work alone in the exam. [1] Let everyone bring some snacks!

Work and rest 6 hours of continuous study can give you a good result, but research shows that if you take a break properly, your brain will absorb more knowledge instead. The brain is also a muscle group, and it takes time to recover and rest to progress. Take a 10-minute break every hour of study. [2]
There should also be a proper separation between learning content. Divide the content you want to learn into parts, instead of studying as a whole and learn a part every day, so that you can grasp the knowledge points more clearly, otherwise it will put too much pressure on yourself.

relax When you feel the pressure of exams becomes more and more intense, your body tissues and brain will become tense and unable to work fully. So it would be better to do some relaxing things before going to bed the night before the exam.

Add essential oils and take a hot bath. Heat relaxes your body muscles and calms you down. Essential oils have been proven to soothe nerves. Coconut, lavender, and citrus essential oils have the effect of relieving stress and anxiety.

Music and reading are equally effective. Listening to a piece of relaxing music, reading a few paragraphs of your favorite text, you can immediately relax.

If you have a hobby that you can do at home, you might as well use it to relax yourself. Doing things you are familiar with can makes people feel more relaxed faster.

Listen carefully in class Listening carefully to the teacher’s explanation will help you understand the content of the study and ask your questions in time. You will find that the teachers will tell the test content and answers in class from time to time, so don’t make a difference!

Take notes frequently during class. Pay attention to the concepts, definitions, formulas, etc. that may appear on the test paper. Don’t miss any pictures and tables. Use a highlighter to mark them. The more interesting you makes learning, the more naturally you will enjoy it and the more you enjoy learning, the better the natural memory effect!

If you have any questions in class, you can ask the teacher in time. Don’t ask the teacher the next day or just leave it alone.

All practice questions are to be done. Some of these exercises are in the textbook, and some are in the reference book that the teacher will use. Talk to teachers more-do they think this formula is important? Will these practice questions appear in the test paper?

Take part in the usual exercises and quizzes, if any. In addition to familiarizing you with the content and structure of the study, this will also make you more prepared.

Get enough sleep the night before If you think it’s a good way to hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily, you can give it a try, but the effect is usually not very good. Your brain stores memories while you are asleep-and if you lack sleep, your brain will always be exhausted from work. So, let’s give up temporarily holding the Buddha’s feet quickly, it will not help you [3], it is better to close the book and close your eyes to take a good rest.

There are a few more things to say about sleep. First of all, it’s best to take a short nap before the exam and study for a while before going to bed and after waking up-research shows that studying before going to bed helps to automatically generate memory (because memories are formed during sleep.) , and after waking up Your brain is in a blank state, very suitable for digesting and absorbing information. But having said that, you should still learn when you feel most effective. [4]

Food is reasonable before the test day Too saturated or too hungry can not make people concentrate, so make sure that you are neither too hungry nor too full. If the exam is in the morning, remember to eat breakfast!

Eat a normal diet. If you are a vegetarian, you don’t have to force yourself to suddenly swallow a large hamburger before the exam. The consequences may be very bad! You don’t want to finish your exam in the toilet.

Arrange the supplies needed for the exam You are already nervous enough. If you suddenly cannot find a pen before the exam, you are absolutely nervous to the point of panic. Usually prepare a few more in your bag or pencil case, and prepare all the supplies in an orderly manner before going to the examination room.
Prepare your notes. If you suddenly can’t remember a certain test point while reviewing in your mind, whether you are on the bus, between classes, or waiting for a friend, you can quickly take them out and look at them.

Listen to your favorite music The rumor that listening to classical music can make people smart is not true, but the real content is that listening to one’s favorite music can relax people and calm down, allowing people to concentrate for about 15 minutes. [5] Listen to a few of your favorite melodies before the exam, so you can concentrate more during the exam.
Classical music is still helpful for relaxing stress. If you are a little tired of the exam, you might as well put aside your favorite rap music and listen to Mozart.

Take the exam with a positive attitude Facts have proved that when you take the exam with an imperative mentality, your chances of getting good grades will also increase, and if you don’t believe in yourself, then basically your grades will not be too good.
Take a piece of paper and write positive words, such as “I will do well in the exam! This will give you positive energy. Take a look before the exam and give yourself a positive attitude!

Take a deep breath and stay calm. Studies have shown that your mental state during the test has a greater impact on test results than your memory of knowledge, so relax yourself. You have done all the preparations to do-all you can do now is to stay calm and choose the right answer.

If the teacher allows, a piece of chewing gum is included in the exam. The mint ingredient in chewing gum stimulates the brain and makes you more focused.

If test anxiety is something that has always plagued you, try doing yoga, taking drugs, or listening to your favorite music before the test. If you can control your emotions before the test, the same is true during the test.

Review the questions carefully Read the question at least twice, in case you accidentally miss the requirements, mark out the key words in the question, don’t rush. If possible, go through all the questions in the entire volume before writing. Fortunately, you have a rough idea of ​​the number in your mind, so you can better control your time, and you can also prevent you from getting panicked when you encounter unexplained questions in the last few minutes.
If you are racing against time, don’t go through the topics of the entire volume. If you are slow to do the questions, wait until all the questions have been completed and then look at it from beginning to end, because you will need more time to answer the questions, writing anything casually is better than not doing a good job at nothing!

Do simple questions first Go through the entire volume to see if there are any particularly difficult questions that require a lot of time to solve. Put them at the end. You don’t have to solve the questions in the order in which they are presented. Doing the simple ones first can help build confidence. Keep your head cool.

Finally, when you come back to the puzzles, you must be clear, at least your score will not be too bad, but also how much time you have left. With this mindset, when you solve these puzzles, it is like getting extra points. It’s awesome!

The two answers fluctuate, stick to the first answer. Your first answer is likely to be correct. If you change it back and forth several times, it is usually because of self-doubt that you wrote the wrong answer. Usually, when we think too much, all the logical reasoning skills will be lost. So stick to your first answer!

When you are hesitant to do multiple-choice questions, use logic to reason. Usually, one or two options are obviously wrong and can be ruled out; now there are two answers left, and the chances of being selected are much higher. Go through the relevant knowledge points in your mind and choose the best answer. At this time, instead of asking “Which is right?”, you have to ask “Which is wrong?” and then use the method of elimination to select the only correct one.

Do your best when answering questions I really can’t just guess one, because if you don’t write it, you won’t get points. If you guess one, you might be able to guess right!

When you are done, review your answers thoroughly. Make sure that all the questions are done and there are no missing questions. If it is a multiple-choice question (Choose one of four.) , you will have a 25% chance of getting it right, so don’t leave it blank, it’s worth guessing!

In addition, a thorough inspection can help you spot obvious small errors, or if you suddenly remembered more content to complete your answer. Therefore, it is very important to do the inspection again.

You are not the first person to hand in papers, calm down and answer the questions at your own pace.
When you are done or there are only 5 minutes left, use the time left to check them all.
Learn as much content as possible, the more you learn, the higher your score will naturally be, you have to use your brain to learn.

Stress will cause the body to release a chemical substance called cortisol, which will reduce your brain’s memory capacity, so the most important thing is to maintain a calm mind and relax. Remember, even if you don’t perform well in this exam, it is not the end of the world!

Get at least 8-10 hours of sleep
It is difficult to concentrate when you are tired.
Find out class notes and the content selected from other learning materials (such as textbooks), and sort them out after you summarize them (use your own words to summarize the materials into a form that is easy to remember.). Rest for a while after you’re done and take it out again before going to bed to look at it again. Falling asleep at the end of the review proved to be very helpful in improving memory.

Make the most of your time Even if you finish the question very early, look at the classmates around you. If they are still working on the question, it probably means you missed something, or they are checking on their own!

If you can’t remember anything when doing the question, try to guess an answer using logical reasoning.
Keep a cool head. Don’t think.”it’s over! I can’t remember this!”, but think “little, I can do it.” Give yourself any hints that you can calm down, as if you don’t take it seriously.

Don’t waste time on the knowledge you have already acquired, spend more time on things you haven’t learned yet.

When the teacher said a certain knowledge point in class and repeated it, immediately write it down. It is likely to appear on the test paper.

On the day before the test day, summarize all the main points into a study book and take it out for review on the way to school or before class. Add as much learning content as possible.

When learning new knowledge, even the smallest details cannot be ignored. If you want to get a full score or above 90, you need to know not only the main points, but also the very detailed knowledge points.

If you are stuck with a problem, skip it first. Maybe you remembered it later, or you suddenly got inspiration when working on the next topic.

It is a good idea to use small cards to help you learn. It will make you remember faster and easier, and you can also test yourself! But remember, if you keep learning in the same order, then what you remember is not the knowledge points, but the order in which they appear, so you must often shuffle the order to learn.

Let go of private life. During the exam, temporarily put your private life behind. Although sometimes it is not realistic to do so, such as when you just fell in love, etc., thinking about this during the exam will only make your performance more unstable.
For some very important things, dates, formulas, special small cards.

It is said that if you exercise before the exam, you will perform well in the exam.
When reading the material, skim it and read it intensively. After reading, use 1-5 sentences to summarize what you just read, which can effectively improve memory.

If the teacher does not object, write all the things you want to remember on the top of the exam paper to prevent forgetting, and erase them all before handing in the paper, so that you don’t have too much pressure to remember everything.

A short break after studying will help you remember the study materials better.

If the teacher has given you practice questions or other learning content on a certain website, hurry up and learn! This will be very useful. You can also search online for some materials that can help you learn.

Although it may not be effective for everyone, chewing gum is really effective for concentration and stress relief. But be careful, because some teachers don’t like students chewing gum in class.

There will definitely be questions in the exam. These questions are definitely not copied directly from textbooks or reference books. According to some concepts you are learning, predict which questions will appear on the exam paper, and then do further research based on these questions.

Find your own learning style. Think about what you are good at, how you remember things, and what is relaxing for you. When you remember things, can, you remember them directly or do you have to figure out the relationship between them to remember? Will you quickly remember what people say, what clothes they wear, or how you feel about them? If you are an auditory learner, find someone to read the learning material aloud to you or read it aloud by yourself; if you are a visual learner, you will learn faster by drawing pictures and labeling concepts; if you are reading For the most efficient learning, then read all the materials comprehensively; if you are an action learner, then you can keep walking around while reading or reading cards.

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