
who is khar dushan in ramayana?

Khara and Dushana are two demon brothers who are mentioned in the Hindu epic Ramayana. They were both powerful and fierce warriors and were loyal…

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Who are Nal and Neel and they are famous for what?

Nal and Neel are two characters from the Hindu epic, Ramayana. They are famous for their bravery and intelligence in helping Rama, the hero of…

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The death of our Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat in the crash of an Army helicopter

Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, who went to give a lecture at the Defense Staff College in Wellington, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, has…

View More The death of our Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat in the crash of an Army helicopter