Is Vibhishana real brother of Ravana and how he cheated the Ravana?

In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Vibhishana is portrayed as the younger brother of Ravana, the king of Lanka. However, there are some variations in different…

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who is khar dushan in ramayana?

Khara and Dushana are two demon brothers who are mentioned in the Hindu epic Ramayana. They were both powerful and fierce warriors and were loyal…

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What is the story of Shurpanakha in Ramayana?

Shurpanakha is a character from the Hindu epic, Ramayana. She is the sister of the demon king Ravana and plays a significant role in the…

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Who are Nal and Neel and they are famous for what?

Nal and Neel are two characters from the Hindu epic, Ramayana. They are famous for their bravery and intelligence in helping Rama, the hero of…

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