Tips to save your phone battery?

Faced with ever more sophisticated smartphones, our phones have become more and more power hungry. And it must be recognized that the batteries often have trouble keeping up… So how to make optimal use of the battery of your smartphone?

Adjust brightness

The first thing to do to save energy is to manually adjust the brightness of the screen. Without it becoming unpleasant, you will realize that we often have over-lit devices and autonomy suffers.

Avoid background tasks

If you had to remember only one tip, it would be this: your applications are your worst enemies. Indeed, they have the annoying tendency to remain active in the background and therefore to eat up your battery. We therefore advise you to close your applications when you no longer need them. In the settings, also consider disabling background app refresh.

Limit notifications

Push notifications or messages are also big power consumers. Indeed, to stay up to date they regularly connect to the Internet and impatient your battery. In the line of sight, the Facebook application of course.

Decrease standby time

The standby time is sometimes long and your phone stays active for nothing. By setting this delay you are sure not to leave your phone on unnecessarily.

Disable default settings

Another essential operation: deactivate Bluetooth, wifi, geolocation, cellular data as well as 3G or 4G! Just like apps, these are features that waste your battery life in the background.

Have refills

The best way to deal with battery failures is at least to always have your charger on you. External batteries or battery cases will also be your best allies in the fight against discharge.

These tips will allow you to increase the autonomy of your battery but also its longevity. Indeed, by avoiding unnecessary functions, your battery will be more resistant and therefore more efficient in the long term.

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