Puneet Rajkumar recently died of a heart attack due to excessive exercise or Not

Exercise is essential for a healthy body. Do not overdo it. What happens if we overeat? Eat as much as you have on an empty stomach. Also exercise as much as the body needs. However, according to Indian Ayurvedic science. Experts say that exercise should not be done for a long time. Physical activity is essential for health. This is not a concept that has just arrived. Everyone has believed for a long time. Traditional Ayurveda states that physical activity should be continued till the end of sweating.

Once upon a time no one was particularly exercising. At that time, the body would get enough work with occupations, occupations and lifestyle. Not so now. The machines arrived to do any work. This reduces physical activity. As a result, problems such as overweight and obesity are becoming heavier. So it’s going to have to do exercises specifically. However, exercising is not only good for the body but also for the mind. When exercising the body acquires the ability to withstand exertion. It strengthens muscles and bones as well as vital organs such as the heart, brain and lungs. It also improves the functioning of the digestive and glandular systems.

Do not overdo it. This also applies to exercises. Fitness is not just a matter of one organ. This cannot be achieved overnight. Exercises should start small and increase step by step. Only then will the body gain the strength to accept and tolerate them. Become powerful enough to withstand exertion. Remember to never exercise until you are completely tired.

Benefits of Exercise:

Improve digestion.

Relieve constipation.

Increases digestion

Improve sleep.

Change our body easily.

Eliminate toxins.

Dissolve body fat.


However, there is talk on social media that Kannada star hero Puneet Rajkumar recently died of a heart attack due to excessive exercise. But medical experts say exercise is not a direct cause of the heart attack. Heart attack does not happen suddenly. Experts suggest that even when the body is not cooperating, doing forced, overly heavy exercises poses a threat. Still the body makes some warnings. they warn to recognize these.

Dry mouth

The body is getting a little cold

The head seems to be floating.

 Severe fatigue, palpitations (in aerobic exercise)

Thin trembling of weak body parts

Being awkward

Exercise should be discontinued for a while when similar symptoms appear. Once the body returns to normal, the heart and breathing can slow down and you can continue exercising again. Being able to speak without breathing for at least 20 seconds can be considered normal. However, doctors suggest doing the exercises at a slightly slower pace than before.

When to Exercise?

Exercise, yoga means. There is a rule to make in the morning. However. Doing these in the morning can get more results. But even in the evening. you can exercise. But, you can not get as effective results in the evening as you did in the morning. Therefore Exercise is fixed in the morning. It can also be done in the evening if you do not feel bored due to chores at home after waking up in the morning. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. However, if you want to do yoga, it is better to give priority in the morning. Because the body should not get tired before doing yoga. That is why if you want to do yoga it is better to do it in the morning. Otherwise do yoga after relaxing for a while in the evening. That too is exercise, yoga is anything It should be done within 7 pm. Only then will better results be obtained.

Can these be eaten during exercise?

People with diabetes can occasionally eat something like peanuts while exercising without dropping glucose levels. This allows you to exercise more without getting tired.

People who drink heavily at night and eat more often do more exercise after dawn with the feeling that something is wrong. This is not a good thing at all.

It is better to eat fresh sprouts after resting for a while after exercising. These provide enough protein. A banana can be eaten if desired. The carbs in it provide good energy to the body.

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