
interesting facts about domains

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine your life without the Internet. But what is the Internet, if not millions of sites? Each site has its own domain, and sometimes they come across very funny or simply interesting. Domain names appear and disappear forever daily in huge numbers…

Interesting facts about domains.

There are second-level domains, consisting of a single letter. For example, the Chinese version of Google is located at G.cn.

The first domain name in history was officially registered in March 1985, long before the rapid spread of the Internet around the world.

Three-letter free domains in the .com zone ended back in 1997. Now such a domain can only be purchased “from the hands”, and only for a very significant amount.

American Mike Mann bought over 15,000 domains. When asked why he did this, he said that he was greedy and that he wanted to own the whole world.

The most expensive domain ever sold is VacationRentals.com. It was sold to new owners in 2007 for $35 million.

Until 1995, domain registration was absolutely free.

After the introduction of domain fees, it amounted to $100 per domain, but this figure quickly began to decrease.

A popular .tv domain is the country code for Tuvalu. The sale of domains in this zone is a significant share of government revenue.
All sites with a .gov domain belong to government agencies.

Antarctica has its own top-level domain.

The number of active domains is increasing by about 12 percent every year.

The most popular domain in the world is .com. It was originally intended for use only by commercial organizations, but since then it has become virtually universal. Its ideological analogue is the .biz domain, created due to the fact that the .com domain zone quickly became overloaded.

The .mil domain can only be used by the US Army. And for the air force of this country there is a domain .airforce.

The .cc domain, which is now popular with many services, is the top-level domain of the Cocos Islands, one of the Australian territories.

The GDR top-level domain, .dd, was registered but never used.

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