How do I become Master in the keyboard shortcuts

That’s it, we all went back to the keyboard! Now is the time or never to review the use of the keyboard: how to use it well and master keyboard shortcuts to save time!

Good use of the keyboard.

The keyboard you use to write, which is to say that it is essential for anyone who wants to use a laptop. Whether you choose to use your pc’s keypad or add a keyboard connected via USB or via wifi in any case, the method will be the same to use it effectively.

The French keyboard is called AZERTY, because it is with these letters that the block of letters begins. For Anglo-Saxons it begins with QWERTY. This comes from the use of typewriters which provided for a layout of the letters so that the arms of each letter did not get stuck during a quick keystroke of 2 keys. The letters are placed according to their frequency of use in the words: the letters most often used are spaced from each other by letters less used.

For efficient typing on a keyboard, it is necessary to use both hands. Traditionally, the keyboard is divided into zones according to accessibility by the different fingers of the two hands. The keys completely to the left will be struck by the left little finger then we continue going towards the center of the keyboard: in the center, the space bar is typed indifferently by the 2 inches. Of course, this is only one method, everyone does according to their motor skills and comfort. Some will find it difficult to type with the little finger for example and only use the first 4 fingers of the hand. The main thing is to be comfortable and to run your hands as little as possible on the keyboard.

In order not to exhaust the joints, it is recommended to put the hands (for example on a hand rest well aligned with the arm for an ergonomic posture) and the hands move very little when typing, it is especially a question of moving the fingers.

Try to force yourself to type with your 2 hands and you will see that the ease will come little by little, it will even become completely natural over time and soon you will be typing without looking at the keyboard!

Be even more efficient with keyboard shortcuts.

In addition to using the keyboard, you can gain efficiency by mastering shortcuts that will save you time. You will be able to perform several actions without using the mouse, simply by using your keyboard.

But be careful, the shortcuts are not the same if you are a MAC or WINDOWS user.

To copyCTRL + CTo copyCOMMAND (APPLE) + C
To cutCTRL + XTo cutCOMMAND + X
To stick onCTRL + VTo stick onCOMMAND + V
to cancelCTRL + Zto cancelCOMMAND + Z
To re-establishCTRL + YTo re-establishCOMMAND + Y
Select allCTRL + ASelect allCOMMAND + A
To printCTRL + PTo printCOMMAND + P
To safeguardCTRL + STo researchCOMMAND + F
AidF1Open new window or new documentCOMMAND + N
Open the task managerCTRL + ALT + DELClose all windowsCOMMAND + W
Start menuCTRL + ESC or WINDOWS KEYExit applicationCOMMAND + Q
ZoomCTRL + Mouse wheelHide application windows open in the foregroundCOMMAND + H
Refresh windowF5Force close an applicationCOMMAND + OPTION + ESC
Change displayWINDOWS + PReturn to the most recently used appORDER + TAB
Start a search on the computerWINDOWS + PScreenshotCOMMAND + UPDATE + 3
Lock the computerWINDOWS + LForcer redémarrageCOMMANDE + CONTROLE + BOUTON MARCHE
Placer curseur au début ou fin d’un motCTRL + Flèche gauche/droiteMise en veilleMAJ + CONTROLE + TOUCHE EJECTION
Sélectionner du texteSHIFT + Flèche gauche/droiteFermeture et redémarrage du MacCOMMANDE + CONTROLE + TOUCHE EJECTION
Sélectionner un mot entierCTRL + SHIFT + Flèche gauche/droiteMettre en gras éléments d’un texteCOMMANDE + B
Supprimer un mot entierCTRL + BackspaceSouligner éléments d’un texteCOMMANDE + U
Fermer une fenêtreCTRL + F4Mettre en italique éléments d’un texteCOMMANDE + I
Afficher poste de travailWINDOWS + ERechercher mots mal orthographiés dans un texteCOMMANDE + ;
Ouvrir un programme en tant qu’administrateurCTRL + MAJ +CLICSe placer au début de ligne ou du paragrapheCONTROLE + A
Passer d’une fenêtre à l’autreALT + TABSe placer à la fin de ligne ou du paragrapheCONTROLE + E
Passer d’une fenêtre à l’autre dans l’ordre inverseALT + SHIFT + TABMonter d’une ligneCONTROLE + P
Masquer toutes les fenêtresWINDOWS + DDescendre d’une ligneCONTROLE + N
Minimiser fenêtreWINDOWS + Flèche basInsérer une nouvelle ligneCONTROLE + O
Agrandir fenêtreWINDOWS + Flèche hautAligner à gaucheCOMMANDE + {
Placer fenêtre sur moitié gaucheWINDOWS + Flèche gaucheAligner à droiteCOMMANDE + }
Placer fenêtre sur moitié droiteWINDOWS + Flèche droiteAccéder au début d’un documentFN + Flèche gauche
Ouvrir nouvelle fenêtreCTRL + NAccéder à la fin d’un documentFN + Flèche droite
Sélectionner plusieurs élémentsCTRL + ClicDupliquer fichierCOMMANDE + D
Supprimer définitivement un fichier ou dossierMAJ + SUPPROuvrir dossier BureauCOMMANDE + MAJ + D
Ouvrir dossier TéléchargementCOMMANDE + OPTION + L
Vider la corbeilleCOMMAND + UPDATE + DELETE

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